Heart-stopping moment race driver’s £170k Porsche flies through air at 100mph and almost crushes marshal in huge crash
SCREAMING spectators saw a Porsche almost crush a race marshal after flying into the air in a horrifying crashWill Martin’s £170,000 car hurtled off the track at Brands Hatch and wedged in a fence – just above the official.
Will Martin’s Porsche eventually lodged just above the fortunate marshal
Spectators could barely believe no-one was badly hurt after this accident
Fencing collapsed as marshals dived for cover in an accident that turned into a miracle escape – with no-one seriously hurt.
Sussex star Martin, 19, admitted it was “super lucky” no one was seriously hurt in the “scary” incident.
One Twitter user claimed the fortunate marshal was her dad as she posted: “A small piece of catch fence saved his life!”
Martin’s Porsche spiral backwards at high speed after he lost control.
The rear of the car smashed into the tyre wall, where marshals stood just behind.
The vehicle then went through the wall, sending tyres everywhere.
Fencing behind the wall fell apart as the Porsche careered on.
Three marshals in orange suits had to leap clear – but even then they were nearly hit by a bail of tyres that came loose,
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Most heartstopping of all, Martin’s car went flying into fencing above the marshal – but came to a halt in mid-air.
The hot prospect, who has notched 16 wins in 94 races, said: “It was probably one of my biggest shunts.
“I was pretty lucky to come out the other side.’
He believes the fencing dragged concrete up with it – but were then cushioned by trees.
He added: “As I was coming towards the exit of the corner I had a touch from behind.
“Obviously, coming out the corner I was still trying to turn.
“I was spinning off towards the barrier on the right. I hit the barrier backwards which sort of lifted the car up as I went over.
“Just glad that my Dad is still here to tell the tale… a small piece of catch fence saved his life Twitter user Kieron Salmons
‘I landed pretty much in a tree on a catch fence and the barrier. I ended up six foot in the air. Luckily, everyone was safe and no one got hurt.
‘It was a bit of a scary crash. The concrete the catch fence was built into had ripped out of the ground.
‘The tree must have helped keep the fence off the marshals’ post so the guy in the post was super super lucky.
‘It could have been much worse. Sometimes people do go off on that corner but not every often.”
Track workers eventually freed Martin after he was trapped in his car for ten minutes.
Twitter user Kieron Salmons posted: “Just glad that my Dad is still here to tell the tale.
“Not sure how that happened but a small piece of catch fence saved his life! Yes my Dad is the marshal underneath the car in this photo.’ More