
What are the lyrics to Portugal’s national anthem ‘A Portuguesa’?

PORTUGAL’S national anthem is a marching song which was adopted by the country’s new Republic in 1911.

And you can guarantee that it will be proudly belted out before every match they play in Euro 2024.

Portugal players singing their national anthem prior to kicking off their Euro 2024 group stage match against TurkeyCredit: Getty

What are the lyrics to Portugal’s national anthem “A Portuguesa”?

Verse 1
do mar, nobre povo,
Naçao valente, imortal,
Levantai hoje de novo
Os esplendor de Portugal
Entre as brumas da memória.
Ó Pátria sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória.

Às armas! Às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar!
Às armas! Às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!

Verse 2
Desfralda a invicta bandeira
À luz viva do teu céu
Brade à Europa à terra inteira
Portugal não pereceu!
Beija o solo teu jucundo
O oceano a rujir d’amor;
E o teu braço vencedor
Deu mundos novos ao mundo!

Às armas! Às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar!
Às armas! Às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!


Verse 3
Saudai o sol que desponta
Sobre um ridente porvir;
Seja o eco d’uma afronta
O sinal de ressurgir.
Ráios d’essa aurora forte
São como beijos de mãe
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,
Contra as injúrias da sorte

Às armas! Às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar!
Às armas! Às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!

Cristiano Ronaldo, Diogo Costa, Pepe and Ruben Dias proudly singing their anthemCredit: Getty

What are the lyrics to Portugal’s national anthem in English?

Verse 1
Heroes of the sea, noble race,
Valiant and immortal nation,
Rise up once again
The splendor of Portugal.
Out of the mists of memory,
Oh Homeland, we hear the voices
Of your great forefathers
That shall lead you on to victory!

To arms, to arms
On land and sea!
To arms, to arms
To fight for our Homeland!
To march against the enemy guns!

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Verse 2
Unfurl the unconquerable flag
In the bright light of your sky!
Cry out all Europe and the world
That Portugal has not perished.
Your happy land is kissed
By the Ocean that murmurs with love.
And your conquering arm
Has given new worlds to the world!

To arms, to arms
On land and sea!
To arms, to arms
To fight for our Homeland!
To march against the enemy guns!

Verse 3
Salute the Sun that rises
On a smiling future:
Let the echo of an insult be
The signal for our revival.
The rays of that powerful dawn
Are like a mother’s kisses
That protect us and support us
Against the insults of fate.

To arms, to arms
On land and sea!
To arms, to arms
To fight for our Homeland!
To march against the enemy guns!

Who composed the Portuguese national anthem?

In 1890, the British gave the Portuguese an ultimatum about its African colonies, igniting the Portuguese nationalist movement.

When the news broke that Portugal’s monarch and government had agreed to Britain’s terms, composer Alfredo Keil furiously put pen to paper.

A patriotic protest march was the result, and this is where the music for ‘A Portuguese’ came from.

Who is the lyricist to the Portuguese national anthem?

The lyrics of ‘A Portugese’ were written by Henrique Lopes de Mendonça.


He was a Portuguese poet, writer and naval officer.

Henrique was friends with the composer Alfredo Keil, who wrote the anthem’s music.

How to watch Euro 2024

Both ITV and BBC will be showing matches, with the decision on who is hosting what games already decided for the group stages — you can see a list of the confirmed TV picks of remaining games for each broadcaster below:

All the games will also be available on BBC iPlayer and ITVX respectively.

  • 22-Jun Georgia v Czech Republic 2pm BBC
  • 22-Jun Turkey v Portugal 5pm ITV
  • 22-Jun Belgium v Romania 8pm ITV
  • 23-Jun Switzerland v Germany 8pm BBC
  • 23-Jun Scotland v Hungary 8pm BBC
  • 24-Jun Albania v Spain 8pm BBC
  • 24-Jun Croatia v Italy 8pm BBC
  • 25-Jun Netherland v Austria 5pm BBC
  • 25-Jun France v Poland 5pm BBC
  • 25-Jun England v Slovenia 8pm ITV
  • 25-Jun Denmark v Serbia 8pm ITV
  • 26-Jun Slovakia v Romania 5pm BBC
  • 26-Jun Ukraine v Belgium 5pm BBC
  • 26-Jun Georgia v Portugal 8pm ITV
  • 26-Jun Czech Republic v Turkey 8pm ITV

TV for the knockout rounds of the tournament will be announced in due course.

Source: Soccer -


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