
Kyle Walker was living secret double life – he was too weak to tell Annie, so I showed her DNA test, says Lauryn Goodman

MODEL Lauryn Goodman has told of the traumatic moment she revealed to Kyle Walker’s wife Annie that he’d secretly fathered a second child with her.

She took matters into her own hands after months of begging the Man City ace to reveal his secret double — seeing his youngest son and baby daughter in visits that he hid from his long-suffering wife.

Lauryn Goodman has told The Sun On Sunday she did not want her family to be a hidden secret any longerCredit: Click News and Media
Kyle Walker has separated from wife Annie Kilner since being revealed as the father of Lauryn’s second childCredit: instagram

In an exclusive interview with The Sun on Sunday, Lauryn said that after so many wrongs, she knew she had to do the right thing and reveal the truth to Annie so they could all “live their lives like adults”.

Fighting back tears, the 32-year-old said: “I kept saying to Kyle, ‘You need to tell her.

“You need to tell Annie that you are our daughter’s father and you are having a relationship with your children.

“We need to start 2024 out in an open way. If everyone knows where they stand they can make their own adult choices in life’.


“I didn’t want to cause any more heartache for Annie or be a bitch but I had to tell her because Kyle was too weak to do it.

“There were hearings coming up surrounding our daughter, there was paperwork flying around and legal meetings had taken place and Annie needed to know the truth before something went public.

“Kyle was happy hiding the truth because he was having two families and was scared about what would happen when Annie knew but I kept saying to him, ‘Our daughter can’t be a secret, she is a human’.

“I didn’t want them to split up or cause harm but it had to be out in the open for all of our sakes.

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“When I told Annie, she was cool and calm.”

Last week, Annie announced she was separating from Manchester City and England defender Kyle, 33, after two years of marriage.

Manchester City footballer Kyle has three children with Annie and two with LaurynCredit: Getty

Despite Lauryn never revealing the identity of the father, it was then confirmed hours later that she and Kyle had welcomed a baby daughter last summer.

They already had a son Kairo, three, born following a brief relationship when the footballer had split from childhood sweetheart Annie.

But their little girl, now nearly six months old, was conceived while he was married to Annie.

Kyle and Annie, who have three sons together and got married in 2021, are now living separately.

He has moved into a flat near the family’s home in Prestbury, Cheshire.

Lauryn, who lives in Brighton, said: “It came to a head on December 23rd.

“Kyle and I had been to a legal meeting earlier that month and I knew he was lying to me — and lying to her.

“When things were good with her it was bad with me, and when things were bad with her they were good with me. He played us off, he had two lives.

“That night he said he wanted to FaceTime me on Christmas Day but I said, ‘No, this is done, this is too toxic’. I needed him to stop gaslighting me and I blocked him.

“The day after Boxing Day I got someone to message Annie because I knew he was away playing so I could speak to her and tell her the truth in private that Kyle was my daughter’s father.

“She said to me, ‘I had a feeling and was saying to my friends that she was his daughter’. They told her she was crazy. I said, ‘That’s not very nice’.

Lauryn says she showed Annie a DNA test to prove Kyle’s paternity to her childrenCredit: Click News and Media

“Kyle had denied she was his daughter many, many times. I don’t think Annie wanted to believe it was true, which is understandable.

“She kept asking for proof so I showed her the DNA test but even then she doubted it was real until I pointed out my daughter’s name on the paperwork.

“Annie and I later FaceTimed and my daughter was there.”

As the women chatted, they realised that the former Spurs player had lied to them both.

Lauryn said: “She was asking all sorts of questions. I said, ‘I don’t want to hurt you,’ but she insisted on seeing photos, getting details.

“I showed her one of Kyle and Kairo playing football together. I know he has got photos of our kids up at Manchester City, I’ve met him lots of times since Kairo was born too. He has met his daughter.”

She went on: “I told Annie, ‘I am not going to do anything, I would always speak to you first, that is what I am doing here. I just don’t want my daughter being a secret’.

“She was trying to piece it all together. She said Kyle would go home at night so couldn’t work out how he did it.

“But I had always travelled up to Manchester for him to see Kairo, somewhere near training as he doesn’t get that many days off.”

Lauryn says she and Kyle grew close again as they went for legal meetings to discuss Kairo.

She admits: “Something clicked. We went back to being the way we were before.”

They would even have family days out and she said: “I remember going to a farm in Cheshire and he was feeding the animals with Kairo like all the other dads.

“But he tried to control me too, so I did as he said. He would FaceTime a lot. When he was at the World Cup or with England, he would message constantly going, ‘Are you free, are you free?’.

“I realised we were a secret family though as time went on. And that is what he wanted.

“I wasn’t a secret to his England teammates — they would come on the phone when he FaceTimed me.

“In one call he promised to bring Kairo a football back from the World Cup. And he did, one of the actual balls.

“The blue Man City kit he wears with ‘Daddy’ on the back was bought by Kyle too.”

Yesterday, Lauryn was pictured at Gatwick airport with her two children as she prepared to fly out on holiday.

She was seen relaxed in a cropped top and black leggings, and had a suitcase bearing the initials KW for son Kairo Walker.

Before her getaway, she had cleared the air with Annie.

She added: “I apologised and said sorry but I also said, ‘Obviously there has been bad blood between us’. I told her I didn’t want to be having this conversation, for me to be doing this and telling her myself. I said that he should have done it.”

Annie and Kyle’s separate statements left Lauryn feeling she had to speak outCredit: Getty

But a statement put out by Annie and a subsequent one from Kyle with no mention of his son and daughter with Lauryn has led to her speaking out.

On Friday Kyle said: “Annie is an amazing woman and I can only apologise for the upset I’ve caused her.

“She’s been part of my life for so long and that will never change for the sake of our children.

“I would ask for privacy for all of our family, and especially our young children, whilst we work through these difficult times.”

But Lauryn said: “I told Annie that I would keep it quiet but now that is impossible after what they have done so I have to speak out.

“In his statement he said ‘our’ children, not all of ‘my’ children. They put this out there.

“Kyle had a chance here to include all of his children and didn’t. He isn’t thinking about his kids, he’s thinking about himself.

“I don’t blame myself for their marriage breaking up — other women have reached out to me saying they’ve been with Kyle too.

“Yes, I should never have slept with a married man and had a relationship with him — but he lied to me too.

“When it was in the Press saying that he’d got married, he said he wasn’t and told me, ‘It is not as it seems, trust me’.

“He convinced me into a false sense of security. He gave me a very different picture of his life that was far from the truth.”

Now Lauryn does not know what the future holds for her son and daughter.

She added: “All I can do is be the best parent possible.

“I have always wanted Kairo to have his daddy in his life. What mother wouldn’t? And I want the same for my daughter.


“I wanted everything to be open and honest between me, him and Annie — now it is.

“He has always told me that he wants a relationship with all of his children but now I don’t know what was lies and what was the truth.”

Annie wanted to know the full details of Kyle’s affair and meetings with LaurynCredit: Getty – Contributor

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