
How a volleyball player does laundry

Lausanne, Switzerland, April 17, 2020 – With the stay-at-home orders in place for weeks now, conventional workouts and activities have turned into creative ones, which athletes have adapted to add fun and entertainment to their daily routines.

Emily Day’s laundry day is volleyball-themed – from the hamper to the drawer.

Amanda Dowdy got inspired by an April Ross videos, and created her own creative passing workout in front of a tractor while at the ranch.

Swiss beach volleyball player Tanja Hueberli tried an extreme backyard training routine using a volleyball and a slackline to practice passing.

Czech player Barbora Purchatova got her brother Honza to participate in this trick shot. She didn’t get it the first time but she definitely had an impressive aim in the next one.

Thai players Pleumjit Thinkaow, Nootsara Tomkom and Malika Kanthong used an app to do their workouts.

Check in again soon for more ideas from your favourite athletes and try to make your quarantine downtime productive and fun too.

Source: Volley -

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