PREMIER League football clubs are using a new hi-tech wipe for phones to protect players from Covid-19 as they prepare to resume their season.
Mobile Steri-Wipes cover devices with an invisible layer that kills viruses.
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Sun Sport told yesterday how the club tests stars, including captain Mark Noble, above, before they trainCredit: Getty – Contributor
Their pioneering nanotechnology gives ten days’ protection on mobiles, to which a lot of top footballers are addicted.
Big clubs buying the wipes for Project Restart are believed to include West Ham. Sun Sport told yesterday how the club tests stars, including captain Mark Noble before they train.
Mobile Steri-Wipes can be used on nearly all surfaces, leaving a disinfectant layer which its makers say is scientifically proven to kill 224 pathogens, protecting against viruses including hepatitis, HIV and influenza.

The British smart coatings firm claims a user would have to use as many as 1,000 ordinary alcohol wipes a month to try to achieve the same level of protection as just four of their wipes, which cost £4.99 for a pack.
The wipes are being used in four NHS hospitals in England and Scotland – helping frontline doctors and nurses combat Covid-19.
Research has shown mobile phones are seven times dirtier than a toilet seat.
A typical mobile phone is carrying more than 25,000 bacteria per square inch.
The technology has already proved a hit across Europe, with the company selling over two million wipes in the last six weeks.

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Simon Jordan says it’s ‘an absolute inevitability’ a player will catch coronavirus should the Premier League reconvene and calls for the season to be voided
Source: Soccer - thesun.co.uk