PAUL Gascoigne has shacked up with a glamorous single mum during the coronavirus pandemic.
The former England and Spurs ace fell for Wendy Leech after meeting her on holiday in Spain.

Paul Gascoigne appears to be riding out the pandemic with a glamorous single mum he met in Spain

The footie ace, 52, fell for mum-of-two Wendy Leech, 43, while on holiday
Gazza, 52, and mum-of-two Wendy, 43, were spotted escaping lockdown to take her dogs for a stroll close to her £65,000 flat in Salford, Gtr Manchester.
A source said: “Paul looks happy with Wendy.
“They met in Spain while he was on holiday earlier this month and have been together now for a couple of weeks.”
In January, Geordie Gazza — who has had a long battle with booze and mental health problems — said he had found peace thanks to anti-alcohol pellets.
The implants make him feel sick if he has too much to drink.
He said: “It means you can have a beer or a glass of wine and socialise, but you cannot have any more.”
The former idol was seen earlier this year, posing for selfies with drinkers in a bar in Benalmádena on the Costa Del Sol.
Since returning to the UK, he has been snapped laughing and having fun in Swinton, Gtr Manchester.
The twice-married star also hinted at a new romance, saying “there is a girl I like” before admitting he had not been in a proper relationship for 20 years.

The pair were spotted escaping lockdown to take her dogs for a stroll in Manchester

A source says Paul looks happy with Wendy and that they have been together for a couple of weeks now

He recently hinted at a new romance before admitting he had not been in a proper relationship for 20 years

Paul appeared on Good Morning Britain earlier this year to talk about his ongoing battle with alcoholismCredit: Rex Features

He says he has found peace thanks for anti-alcohol pellets and was recently snapped laughing and having fun at a pub in Swinton
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Paul Gascoigne sobs as he reveals relapse despite £20k anti-alcohol pellets
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Source: Soccer - thesun.co.uk