
Gary Neville is very influential in English game as owner and pundit – but Man Utd hero’s opinions hold too much sway

GARY NEVILLE has become increasingly influential in English football – never before has he enjoyed such leverage in the game.

Yet although his views are being sought from all corners, there is a fear his voice is becoming a little too loud.

 As an owner as well as pundit, Neville is becoming increasingly influential in English football

As an owner as well as pundit, Neville is becoming increasingly influential in English football

The ex-Manchester United and England right-back is a respected TV pundit — arguably the best out there.

While he is co-owner of League Two Salford and a mentor for many current players.

Neville’s opinions are sought after by many managers and he even has the ear of PFA chief Gordon Taylor.

This is “Red Nev”, who led an attempted player strike ahead of an England match in 2003 before becoming the nation’s assistant manager alongside Roy Hodgson for four years until 2016.

But you have to wonder if it is healthy for one figure to apparently have such an incredible sway over everyone involved.

Last month, SunSport revealed the 45-year-old was acting as a peacemaker in the wage row between clubs, the PFA and its membership.

The fact players take his comments so seriously was illustrated by the contents of a WhatsApp message to Bristol Rovers’ players last week.

Alex Rodman, the Pirates’ PFA representative, outlined the main points from an EFL meeting to team-mates which were then leaked and circulated.

The Rovers winger, 33, said: “The chief executive of the EFL said it would be very optimistic for us to be even playing games in June. He does not think we will be playing games.

“Gary Neville and one of the other club owners does not even think we will be playing anywhere near then.”


So there you go. Gary Neville says it, so it has to be true.

Due to his position as a club co-owner, Neville has been involved in the video conferences between League Two clubs during the coronavirus crisis.

These meetings, chaired by the impressive EFL chief Rick Parry, can be slightly unruly affairs.

But even though there tends to be a fair amount of shouting and showboating, things go quiet when Neville talks.

He speaks impressively and powerfully.

But some club owners and managers feel slightly uneasy he is in a privileged position and does not completely understand some aspects of what it is like to run a club in such difficult circumstances.

He has, for instance, been a strong advocate against wage cuts.

It is certainly unusual for someone who owns ten per cent of a club to be so involved and proactive in such a meeting.

The majority shareholder at Salford is billionaire Peter Lim and not many other League Two rivals are able to pay a player over £4,000-a-week.

Therefore, it is a very different business model compared to most other fourth-tier sides.

Busy c**ts we call them, for their endless grumbling about everything in general and nothing in particular. The pair of them never stop whinging.

Jaap Stam on the Neville brothers

Neville has never been afraid of giving an opinion or rolling up his sleeves.

Ahead of a Euro 2004 qualifier in Turkey, he collected votes for a secret ballot in which 23 players decided unanimously to strike over the treatment of Rio Ferdinand for missing a drugs test.

He was seen as doing Alex Ferguson’s bidding in the England squad.

Even back at Old Trafford, he was always outspoken. In his autobiography, Jaap Stam spoke about Neville and brother, Phil.

He wrote: “Busy c**ts we call them, for their endless grumbling about everything in general and nothing in particular. The pair of them never stop whinging.”

Subsequently, Stam insisted these comments were meant to be portrayed in a jokey way and stressed he enjoyed an exceptionally good relationship with the Nevilles.

Alongside Hodgson within the England set-up, Neville was seen as an extremely strong influence and there was no doubt he commanded respect from all of the players.

During Euro 2016, which ended with the defeat to Iceland, an FA source told SunSport: “He basically runs the England team.”

Neville is a truly outstanding pundit for Sky. He has also become a sounding board for many players and managers seeking no-nonsense advice.

Neville was right to criticise the Premier League and its clubs, other than Brighton and Crystal Palace, for not communicating well enough over this crisis.

 'Red Nev' is a powerful and influential speaker

‘Red Nev’ is a powerful and influential speaker

He said: “It would be good for them to speak at least once. Any of them! Clubs included.

“They are bottling this virus on comms. Very happy to tell us when they are delivering food parcels, though.”

And Nevile got it spot on when saying public opinion would change about the Premier League spending £4million on test kits if they donated £20m to the NHS to help on testing.

Equally, he does not always speak sense.

An idea the only way to complete the Premier League season was by moving it abroad to a coronavirus-free country — as the environment here is not safe enough — was ludicrous and unworkable.

Other names in football would have been ridiculed for peddling the idea but Neville pretty much got away with it.

And this proves how influential he has become.

There remains an argument whether it is healthy for one person to work for a TV station, co-own an EFL club, have dialogue with managers, players and even the PFA — while having previously worked for the FA.

For the time being, Neville’s main job remains in the TV studio.

But do not be surprised if at some stage over the next few years, we see him in a different role in football’s corridors of power.

Source: Soccer -


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