FORMER FA and Arsenal chief David Dein says next season should run from February until November.
He says rewriting the football calendar would give leagues the time they need to finish the postponed campaigns safely.
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David Dein reckons football should run from February to November next yearCredit: Getty Images – Getty
And Dein believes a season starting in 2021 could have fans in stadiums.
In a virtual talk to pupils for the Speakers For Schools charity, ex-FA and Gunners vice-chairman Dein said: “I’d like to see next season recalibrated.
“One reason is we don’t know what’s going to happen.

“Will this season actually be able to finish in June and July?
“I wouldn’t put pressure on ourselves. If we have to, let’s finish this season in October or November.
“We’d give ourselves ample time for the players to have a break.
“I’d like to see next season run from February to November. With luck, we could be in a position to have fans back.
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“Not only that, the World Cup in 2022 is in November in Qatar.
“So we are going to have to recalibrate the season then. Why not do it for next season?”
Dein, now an ambassador for the FA and the Premier League, added: “Let’s spice it up a little. Something different.”
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Source: Soccer - thesun.co.uk