STRONGMEN Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson will fight in September 2021 in what is dubbed the ‘heaviest boxing match in history’.
The rivals – who competed against each other in World’s Strongest Man – have been training for the bout all year.
Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson will fight in September 2021
Brit Hall has since revealed his drastic body transformation ahead of the fight, despite still eating 7,000 calories a day during training.
He revealed he cut down to 25st 5lb in the summer.
And that is still over two stone heavier than Nikolai Valuev, the heaviest champion in history.
But punching legend Eric ‘Butterbean’ Esch weighed as heavy as 29st 7lb the night he fought Joe Siciliano in 2007.
Bjornsson, known as ‘Thor, also showed off his weight loss in June, having dropped to 29st through strict boxing training.
It means there will be around 54st in weight inside the ring when Thor faces Hall.
Organisers Core Sports have now teamed up with boxing management company MTK Global, who work with several world champions including Tyson Fury.
MTK will act as advisors for the unprecedented fight, which has been confirmed for September next year in Las Vegas.
Bjornsson called out Hall to a boxing match after breaking the 501kg deadlift world record last MayCredit: Instagram / @thorbjornsson
Hall revealed his drastic body transformation ahead of the fightCredit: Instagram / @eddiehallwsm
Hall, 32, said: “I’m training for this fight like I trained to be the strongest man in the world, no stone unturned and anyone in my way is getting milled down.
“With the experience MTK Global brings to the table, this event will be even better than it was going to be.
“As for the fight itself, I have zero doubt in my mind that cry baby Thor is getting folded in half and sent packing back to Iceland.”
Bjornsson, 31, added: “I’m very excited with MTK Global’s involvement as this is something I’ve been taking very seriously and I want others to know how serious this fight will be.
“I’ve been extremely focused and dedicated in my training as always and I am looking forward to getting in that ring.”
Bjornsson – who played ‘The Mountain’ in Game of Thrones – called out Hall to a boxing match after breaking the 501kg deadlift world record last May.
Eddie Hall leaves trainer coughing up blood after landing heavy shot during sparring
Source: Boxing -